A detail filter has been applied on the Product size to only show product sizes which equal the word '100 ml'. 在Productsize上应用了一个细节过滤器,以便只显示产品大小等于100ml的数据。
Rational_Sample_data is the product name, and it has different directories, which also include directories starting with the word "Branch." RationalSampledata是产品名,它具有不同的目录,它同样包含了以词“Branch.”
Many organizations use the Word tool to develop and store product, system and software requirements in Word documents. 有许多公司会使用Word工具来开发产品、系统和软件的需求,并存储Word文档之中。
The order and dairy_order commands could have been merged as well here by specifying that the parameter be either a dairy_product or a word. 这里,也可以通过指明参数是dairyproduct还是word来将order和orderdairy命令合并成一条命令。
Do you really want to put your trust in a product that has the word trust in the brand name? 你真的想相信一个品牌名里有信赖一词的产品么?
Now defining itself as more than any single product, apple drops the word "computer" from its official corporate name. 现在的定义让苹果不只成为了任意一种单一产品,苹果一词在它的官方含义中就是代表“计算机”。
The Internet can dramatically boost the adoption of a product or service by "viral marketing," network-enhanced word of mouth. 通过“病毒传销”即网络传递信息,因特网能够戏剧性地推广一种产品或服务。
The product is so successful that its name becomes a household word. 这一产品非常成功,其名称已经家喻户晓。
Although the core of our product development is Norwegian, the scope of what we offer is both broad and "international"& that's why the word is in our name. 虽然我们的产品开发的核心是挪威的,但是我们所提供的范围是广泛的和“国际化的”-这就是为什么我们以这名字命名。
Because a product has the word "fruit" in its name doesn't necessarily mean it actually has fruit in it. 因为即使产品名称中带“水果”二字,产品中也不一定有水果。
Using an integrated product saves you the headache of trying to move data in a Brand X word processor to a Brand Y spreadsheet. 使用集成的产品能省去试图将牌号X字处理程序中的数据传到牌号Y的报表程序这类令人头痛的问题。
In addition to flagging customer service problems faster for action, marketers can build capabilities to resolve issues before they affect product return rates or negatively impact word of mouth. 除更快地找出客户服务问题,及时采取行动之外,营销人员还能够在问题影响产品退货率或产品口碑之前化解问题。
The aftermarket product is black and has the word "Salsa" painted on the extension. 零配件市场产品为黑色,并印有字样。
The functions of forward are to acquire show product information, announcement information, generate an order form, leave word, the product is searched. 前台主要功能是分类别展示产品信息、公告信息、生成订单、网上留言、产品检索等。
We give experiment results of product feature and product feature-opinion word pairs under different threshold and analyze them. 我们给出了不同阈值下的产品特征和产品特征-意见词对的实验结果,并进行了分析。
Combining with the explanation of program code, step by step, finish crawling pages, extracting information of product parameters, generating product word Library, constructing product indexer and saving the information into database. 结合程序代码说明,一步一步地完成对指定网页的抓取、产品参数信息的抽取、生成词库、建立索引和将信息保存到数据库。
This study creates a product named entity recognition module in an existing word segmenting and POS tagging system. 本研究在一个已有的分词及词性标注系统中实现了一个产品命名实体识别模块。
The importance of product attributes and negative information ratio of no interaction, but to attitude toward brand, purchase intention as the dependent variable, the main effect of negative word of mouth information proportion is significant. 产品属性重要程度与负面信息比例没有交互作用,但是以品牌态度、购买倾向为因变量时,负面信息比例的主效应显著。
Suitable vocabulary which is the important core to evaluate the translated product should be selected based on the script style. The translator will use live and exact word in deferent level depend on their capability. 根据文体选择适当的词汇,词汇是衡量翻译作品的重要核心,译者根据自己的能力会使用不同程度的生动及准确的词,所以要根据剧情选择适当的词汇。
Consumers receive vast quantities of product information every day, including the nature of the product itself, extensive adverting as well as very different word of mouth. There is so much information available to consumers for screening. 消费者每天接受了大量的产品信息。琳琅满目的产品,铺天盖地的广告以及众说纷纭的口碑评价,有太多的信息围绕在产品的周围可供消费者进行甄别、筛选。
Therefore, we improve product feature-opinion word pairs based on review mining of Chinese dependency grammar. 为此,我们改进基于中文依存语法的产品评论挖掘的特征-意见词对抽取方法。
On one hand, consumers, with the help of Internet, have exerted more profound influence on product brand through word of mouth communication. 一方面,消费者借助网络的力量,通过口碑传播的方式,对品牌表现出越来越深刻的影响力。另一方面,营销者也开始借助网络口碑,通过各种形式开展对产品及品牌的口碑塑造。
At the end, the article again put forward eight strategies and the implement method. These strategies include brand strategy, product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, the marketing communication strategy, service strategy, internet marketing strategy and the word of mouth marketing strategy. 在最后,本论文又提出了确保营销战略实施的品牌策略、产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、营销沟通策略、服务策略、网络营销策略和口碑营销策略八大策略及实施方法。
On the surface, the industries compete with each other in terms of quality, price and service of the product. Actually, the genuine competition among them is the human resource; in other word, it is the competition of the general quality of the staff. 表面上,企业之间以产品质量、价格和服务展开竞争,实际上,企业之间真正的竞争是人力资源的竞争,是员工整体素质的竞争。
Based on the definition of useful reviews, this paper use support vector machine, introducing one feature that the co-occurrence of product feature and sentiment word. 基于有用评论的定义,本文采用支持向量机分类器进行分类,并引入产品特征词和情感词共现的特征。
Finally we draw a conclusion that the booming steel export of China steel product is a long and inevitable process. It is the necessary outcome that the word industry is adjusting and changing under global economic incorporate. 最后得出结论:中国钢铁产品的大量出口是一个难以逆转的长期趋势,这也是全球一体化主导下,世界产业调整和分工的必然结果。
A screen with graphical interface for the media products can be called a multimedia product, multi-media information processing refers to a single approach to the information content of a single form, this definition is perhaps the "Multimedia" is the word more attractive place. 有屏幕的以图形界面为媒介的产品都可以被称之为是多媒体产品,多媒体多指以单一信息处理方式处理单一形式的信息内容,这个定义也许就是多媒体这个词比较引人入胜的地方。
Product evaluation targets and opinion word collocation extraction is a very important research topic in the mining of product reviews, is a very important part of the basis of sentiment analysis tasks, but also emotional information extraction. 产品评价对象与评价词搭配关系的抽取是产品评论挖掘中一个非常重要的研究课题,是情感分析的基础任务,也是情感信息抽取中非常重要的一部分。